Lost in WorldWideWeb

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Hari ke 15 Ramadhan 1426H

Puasa, itulah yang saat ini umat muslim jalankan di seluruh dunia.
Tentunya gue juga duong puasa :D
Gak berasa tau-tau dah 15 hari puasa dijalanin.
Yang gue tau minggu depan tanggal 25 Oktober udah gajian plus dapet THR!
Balikpapan beberapa minggu ini dah mulai ujan..malah sekarang hampir
tiap malem.
Ada untungnya, aer PAM jadi ngalir terus! :D Tapi kok malah jadi butek
yah :-/
Trus klo malem jadi nyenyak tidurnya, alhamdulillah baru 2 kali
kelewatan sahur :))

Mikir-mikir dah kelamaan juga gue di Balikpapan.
Dari Mei 2001 sampe sekarang..kira-kira 4 taon jalan 5 bulan.
Dari temen seangkatan gue yang masuk bareng, cuman 2 orang yang masih
Yang laen dah pada pindah ke tempat laen, dapet yang lebih baik.
Tinggal gue neh masih ogah-ogahan apply job ke tempat laen.
Baru-baru ini sih baru ngirim lamaran kerjaan, tapi ampe sekarang blon
Yaa..wait and see aja lah.

Monday, December 15, 2003

today is the first monday of my workday.
it's my 4th day since last field break.
another 10 days to go on field break.

i had a good time with my girlfriend a whole week! :)
everyday i met her, i picked her up at the office, lunch together, round and round..
wow..it's so..wow.. i mean, i never done this before when i'm in jakarta with her.
i have had 2 weeks in jakarta before but we've done nothing like this.

i don't know..maybe it's because my feeling for her is growing bigger these days.
i don't want to loose her.
i want something that can put us together forever.
but i have a problem..that it very hard to solve.
we are in different religion.. :(

she tried to make me believe her religion.
and i want the same for her..but i haven't done anything..yet.
i know i can't go with her believes.
i do want her go with mine, and i pray everyday for it.
i want us to be together..in marriage.
i want to take care of her, love her, have a children with her.
this obstacle is giving me a hard time.
sometimes i feel i have to let her go..but it's too hard to let her go.
to let everything we had gone..

i know life has to move on, we have to move on.
maybe God wants me to be like this, so i can get a better one.
a girl who's like her and with the same believes like me.
right now..i don't know what i think.
maybe i just drifting away with what i feel right now.
i do want to marry her as much as she wants me to marry her.
i love her so much..
and i know if i keep doing like this, it would be harder and harder for her to forget.
and so am i..

i just hoping that God can help me with this.
are we supposed to be together?
is she the one for me?
or if i let her go, there will be someone who better than her?
God knows everything, and He know what to do with me.
i just carried away..and drifting..

God help me...

Saturday, September 27, 2003

Hmm...not bad, this is my first post.
I finally make my own blog even though I want to make it on my own domain though :D
But I already made it on my computer through my network's office.
So far so good, just curious what is it like to create blog?

And..tadaaaa...hehehehe..boom! There you are my own blog!